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Flyability's Elios3 SLAM LiDAR drone

Mark Bickel

Updated: Aug 19, 2024

Flyability Elios 3
Flyability's Elios3 Drone in the SurvTech Solutions Warehouse

Many of you have sat in one of the presentations that SurvTech's President, Dave O'Brien, has given on drone technology.

For years, he has been passionate about the subject and has really brought SurvTech forward as a leader in technology usage in the geospatial industry. One of his favorite topics he usually brings up in his talks is using SLAM LiDAR on a drone platform, paired with a clip of one of his favorite movies from a little over ten years ago, Prometheus. In the clip, the team explores an alien planet, utilizing flying orbs that autonomously map out a tunnel network.

Well, fast forward from 2012 when that movie came out to today, and SurvTech has obtained about the closest thing to what was featured in the film, the Flyability's Elios3 drone paired with the survey SLAM LiDAR payload.

SurvTech Warehouse data cloud using SLAM Drone
Image captured with the Elios3 SLAM Drone of the SurvTech Solutions Warehouse.

Drone Data Collection

This little drone packs a punch! Despite a relatively short battery life, the drone is capable of capturing quite a large area and does so with excellent detail (one flight that we completed lasted approximately 8 minutes and generated nearly a billion – yes, that is with a "B" points).

One of the greatest benefits of this drone is the ability to map and create a 3D surface of areas void of GPS signal. How is this possible, you may ask? The drone utilizes Elios3 SLAM LiDAR technology, which stands for Simultaneous Localization And Mapping. What this means is the drone utilizes the LiDAR payload to scan an area that it enters.

As the drone moves forward, it utilizes stationary points that were collected from previous scans to tie the new scan data together and continues to do so throughout the flight – basically leapfrogging the data sets. To correct for the drift of the IMU on board the sensor (which is usually corrected through GPS), the drone operator makes sure to "close the loop" by bringing the drone back to an area that was previously scanned, allowing the sensor to recognize and correct the error caused by the drift of the IMU.

Elios3 SLAM Drone Data Scan of SurvTech Boats
Images taken with the Elios3 SLAM Drone of the SurvTech Solutions Boat Fleet.

SLAM LiDAR Capabilities and Applications

We are excited about the potential capabilities the Elios3 SLAM LiDAR drone offers our clients. From volume calculations of material stockpiles that are stored inside warehouses to confined space mapping, this drone changes the game and promotes safety by reducing the need to place inspectors and surveyors in harm's way.

One additional benefit is being able to map damage caused by natural disasters – if a hurricane or earthquake damages a structure and it is not clear the damage of the integrity of the building, instead of sending someone inside to inspect, this drone can be sent in to provide not only a 3D point cloud but also provide video of the interior. With its small size, it can fit into very tight spaces, and the cage frame built around it protects the drone from banging into walls and obstacles.

SurvTech Solutions Your Mapping and Inspection Specialist

For all of your drone mapping and inspection needs, SurvTech continues to expand its offerings through the addition of the latest technology out there.

For help mapping your project contact Mark Bickel at!

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