SurvTech Solutions ®
Surveying Today with Tomorrow's Technology
Geospatial Services
SurvTech Solutions, Inc. (SurvTech) is your go-to surveyor; headquartered in Tampa, Florida and licensed in 11 states.
We utilize cutting-edge technology to provide unparalleled expertise in geospatial services. With years of experience in the industry, we pride ourselves on delivering accurate, reliable, and innovative solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.
What makes us exceptional? We make sure to get the job done right the first time!
We are dedicated to providing great service and top notch work
with a skilled team of friendly faces and determined attitudes.
See some of the services we specialize in below.
Since not all projects are cut and dry, we specialize in multiple disciplines in order provide a full array of services to complete a project. Get in touch with one of our expert staff members today.

Land surveying has traditionally been the measurement of the features of land and cadastral boundaries, by measuring angles and distances to compute 2-Dimensional (2D) or 3-Dimensional (3D) relationships between these features and/or boundaries.
Today land surveying has morphed into an entire array of services, utilizing the latest in technology, including GPS, 3D laser scanning, and aerial mapping with planes and drones.
SurvTech can create highly accurate elevation models to capture natural and built features.
We use unmanned aerial systems that are equipped with LiDAR Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Hypack NEXUS LiDAR UAV system or Pix4D photogrammetry software.

Get the results you deserve with quality aerial service and at an affordable price too! Our qualified team of professionals bring their experience and know-how with them on every aerial job.
Our attention to detail and receptiveness to the unique needs of each client, is what sets our services apart from the rest of the industry.
SurvTech’s high definition laser scanning department offers our clients a unique opportunity to work with a group of individuals dedicated to utilizing the latest mapping technologies. We have experts in 3D laser scanning & modeling.

Our survey methods include: single-beam and multibeam bathymetry; side-scan sonar; interferometric sonar; sector scan sonar (Mesotech); sub-bottom profiling; and marine magnetometry. Hydrographic data collection can be combined with simultaneous mobile laser scanning to collect elevations both above and below water level. Positional data is collected with RTK GNSS for centimeter accuracy.
Subsurface utility mapping is the science of mapping subsurface utilities using non-invasive geophysical technology and vacuum excavation (soft dig) equipment. SurvTech uses a combination of GPR (ground penetrating radar) and Electromagnetic (EM) technology, also known as radio detection, to horizontally locate subsurface utilities.

SurvTech has experienced personnel with proven results providing ground penetrating radar (GPR), electrical
resistivity imaging (ERI), and electromagnetic (EM) conductivity surveying for a variety of project needs in support of geologic, geotechnical, and environmental investigations.