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Mobile LiDAR imagery Tampa

Mobile LiDAR

Mobile LiDAR is a mobile mapping system that uses a scanner attached to a vehicle to collect dense, accurate and feature rich data while on the road. Being able to collect data quickly and effectively in urban settings is one of the key benefits of mobile LiDAR. It can provide highly accurate topographic survey results that can be used for 3D visualizations, modeling and other project needs.

How LiDAR works

LiDAR is a light detection and ranging technology used to measure objects. The pulsed laser is able to collect data quickly and accurately about a three-dimensional space.

Benefits of Mobile LiDAR

price savings





Enhanced Data

Increased Safety  

Required data point measurements are gathered in one visit eliminating the need for additional mobilization costs.

Mobile LiDAR gives SurvTech Solutions the ability to collect thousands of points per second, compared to traditional survey technologies.

Get a 360° view of the project with survey accurate point measurements. Unique interface allows you to view and locate features that may be inaccessible with other methods.

Data collection is as safe as driving a car.


LiDAR Applications

  • Detailed Office Buildings

  • Complex High Rises

  • Street level detail

  • 3D Corridor Mapping

  • Baseline information for project planning and development

  • Test different scenarios in a virtual world 

  • Easily collect clearance data for highway overpasses

  • Deploy rapid as-built, geospatial record of completed maintenance

  • Geometric analyses

    • stopping sight distances

    • adequate curve layouts

    • slope

    • drainage properties

    • lane width

    • pavement wear

  •  Pavement resurfacing vendors use the data to reduce change orders and over-run costs for resurfacing projects

Custom Mapping Solutions

When you work with SurvTech Solutions we will access your project to see what are the best tools to use in your situation to accurately measure and meet your unique project needs and schedules. 


Get Your Project Mapped by SurvTech

Do  you have a project that needs to be measured accurately? Contact the geospatial experts at SurvTech Solutions.

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