SurvTech is proud to announce that our UAV Department just brought on our first intern, Bryce Gerhart. He is a student at Florida Polytechnic University studying Data Science with a focus on Big Data Analytics. He is planning on graduating this December. Bryce’s capstone project involved utilizing drone imagery to identify specific vegetation which would indicate the suitability of the development of the land. His previous experience makes him the perfect candidate to work alongside our team.
Bryce will be working closely with our UAV Director Mark Bickel and the rest of the team for the duration of his internship. Mark plans on teaching Bryce the day-to-day side of UAV, and the processing side of the operation. This program is a huge asset to SurvTech’s UAV department and the whole company. The team is excited that Bryce already has his Part 107 remote pilot license through the FAA and has demonstrated that he is willing and able to roll up his sleeves and get right to work without hesitation. Many of the drones that our UAV department utilizes are much larger and more intimidating than those that you typically see hobbyists and many other drone companies flying. However, Bryce is excited to get the opportunity to learn and grow his experience with these advanced commercial drones.