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SurvTech Solutions Completes Spring Midwest LiDAR Acquisition

David O'Brien

Updated: Jun 12, 2020

SurvTech Solutions recently completed two LiDAR acquisition projects in the Midwest totaling over 4,150 square miles. These projects depict our LiDAR experience and expertise how we can efficiently complete LiDAR acquisition projects of this size and scope. As late spring turns into summer and vegetation begins to emerge, companies performing LiDAR acquisition can find it difficult to achieve the required point density on the ground. Therefore, these companies are often scrambling to complete data acquisition as quickly as possible. Often this means reaching out for help from a teammate who has available resources. Vice President of Operations Ken Comeaux received such a request from a long-time aerial mapping partner. SurvTech’s LiDAR acquisition team was called upon to aid in LiDAR acquisition before it was too late. Ken mobilized SurvTech’s airborne LiDAR resources having them on site and ready to begin acquisition in short order.

SurvTech’s Cessna 401B twin engine aircraft equipped with the Galaxy Prime LiDAR sensor

SurvTech’s Cessna 401B twin engine aircraft equipped with the Galaxy Prime LiDAR sensor arrived on the project site and began flying missions as soon as weather allowed. Because of the urgency to complete the data acquisition, two flight crews were deployed, allowing around the clock data acquisition when weather permitted. One flight crew flew missions during the day while the other crew rested so they could fly nighttime missions. This aggressive acquisition strategy combined with good weather enabled the team to complete the project, nearly 2,900 square miles of LiDAR acquisition, in only four days. The LiDAR data exceeded Quality Level 2 requirements for point density (2 points per square meter).

Due to the efficiency and speed at which the data acquisition was completed, our mapping partner utilized our flight resources to complete another nearby project. After completion of the first project, the aircraft and flight crews immediately mobilized to the second project. This project was over 1,250 square miles and was completed in 5 days despite poor weather, which included persistent windy conditions. The data exceeded Quality Level 2+ requirements for point density (4 points per square meter).

Aerial Mapping using LiDAR acquisition

By reaching out to SurvTech, our aerial mapping partner successfully completed their LiDAR acquisition projects before the vegetation growth ended this year’s flying season, which would have resulted in the project being delayed until next fall, after leaves had dropped. SurvTech exhibited expertise, efficiency, and dedication to our customers’ needs, once again solidifying our reputation as a leading company and a trusted partner in the geospatial industry.

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