SurvTech Solutions recently began upgrading major equipment within our survey department. It's almost every week that there is a new latest and greatest piece of equipment available in today's market. Whatever the case, there are many deciding factors that come into play when upgrading survey equipment.
Recently, our survey department began cycling the Carlson BRx7 GNSS Base & Rover Receivers into its inventory. These units are a lightweight precision GNSS RTK solution for small- and large-scale projects that utilize RTK GPS. With so many options in today's market, why did we choose these units? What are some of the features that made these stand out? How will this provide better quality products for our clients? Here are a few reasons:
SureFix: The newest Carlson BRx7 Units offers SureFix solutions that are computed within the GNSS units. This combination helps provide high-quality RTK information, greater RTK accuracies, and near 100% reliability in all conditions. The utilization of this adaptive processor allows crews in real-time to know the quality of their solutions and account for adjustments to be made in the field to provide better accuracies and overall better products.
Listen-Listen: Building off the earlier BRx6+ models, Carlson offers support for their Listen-Listen cloud-based, low latency, RTK service. By utilizing Listen-Listen, SurvTech Solutions is no longer tied to baseline restrictions when using UHF radios. Listen-Listen is supported by Amazon Web Services, providing larger bandwidth, larger baselines, and faster processing speeds. This is a massive advantage for SurvTech on some of our much larger projects. Where there is cell coverage, you will find SurvTech crews surveying for several miles at a time.
Message Types: Carlson offers a variety of message types with the new BRx7 unit that allows SurvTech Solutions to continue to utilize some of our more recent equipment and some of our older equipment from a single BRx7 base. With eight different message types, this allows our crews to integrate on project sites from a single control station effortlessly, and in turn, helps reduce time on site and more coverage from our field crews.
IMU: The Carlson BRx7 units utilize an internal IMU, which compensates each point collected. If the GPS rod is tilted, no worries. The IMU compensates for this standard user error and allows the user to provide accurate data regardless of the positioning of the receiver head.
SurvTech Solutions continues to utilize the latest advancements in technology where applicable to our client's projects. We believe that by using tomorrow's technology, the overall product we deliver will be the most cost-effective and will provide better services for our clients.