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Hydro Staff Update

Emily Falcone

Updated: Oct 5, 2022

SurvTech is proud to announce that our Hydrographic Department just brought on our first intern, Cassandra Hankins, a student at the University of Southern Mississippi studying Hydrographic Science with a focus on Geography. They plan on graduating this May 2023 with a Master’s in Hydrographic Science. Cassandra’s capstone project involved utilizing an ASV to collect multispectral multibeam over the Gulfport Channel to process and analyze. Their previous experience makes them the perfect candidate to work alongside our team.

Hydrographic Surveying

Cassandra will be working closely with our Hydrographic Department Manager David Graves and the rest of the Hydro team for the duration of their internship. They will learn about Single and Multibeam bathymetry, side-scan sonar, and sub-bottom profiling. Cassandra’s focus this summer will be on our new Openswap ASV autonomous surface vessels, developing a standard operating procedure for data acquisition and post-processing.

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