SurvTech Solutions would like to welcome our newest team member James Register, our Tampa SUE Branch Leader, to the team! Previously, James served 21 years in the Air Force, retiring in 2016. During this time he earned his BA degree in Business Management. He also worked in Fuels Management and as a Combat Skills Instructor. James earned his Professional Manager’s Certification as well as a Green Belt in LEAN Six Sigma. He was deployed 8 times (3 to Iraq) and had over 32 TDY’s (30-60 days) to various locations around the world. All of these great accomplishments led to James being awarded the Meritorious Service Medal twice and the Florida State Governor’s Service Award.
After James had finished serving our country, he became an Operations Manager for Walmart eCommerce and has worked there for the past 5 years. His skills, experience, and leadership will help SurvTech increase efficiency and value to our clients. "Overall, I will be moving through each of the areas in SUE so that I may learn from the bottom up before jumping into process improvement, P & L, etc."
When James is not at work he enjoys hunting, woodworking, and playing golf. He has been married to his beautiful wife Mallory for 11 years and has a lovely 8-year-old daughter named Stella.